Sunday, October 28, 2007

Waves of new phenomenon hitting Guwahati....

Guwahati is hit by several waves of new phenomenon which take the Guwahatians by storm. The first thing to hit Guwahati was a wave of PCOs....everywhere one could see a plethora of PCO booths, with xerox and fax facilities in tow. But one must confess that the frequency with which PCOs are found in Guwahati are difficult to replicate anywhere else!!!! Then with the advent of the mass surrender of the ULFA , there were loads of wine shops (liquor vends ...saying 'cold beer , sold here') that were set up. Then in the late 90s, it was the phenomenon of cyber cafes and pool parlours. And now, all of a sudden it is Lounge Bars and these huge buildings with glass facades dotting the town. Many of these lounge bars look rather seedy , with equally seedy names....

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