Monday, June 05, 2006

The Price one has to pay.....

The past few days have been very depressing....a lot of things have been cumulatively added on to an overwhelming feeling of anxiety, apprehension and depression. I got to know of the death of a young , outspoken scholar .....he used to write extensively and was a regular contributor to the several web portals like , He was Issac L Hmar. I didn't know him personally....i was made aware of him through a close friend. ...a few days ago....long after he was gone forever....

I was stunned when i got the was young...just 25 years old!!! He was allegedly killed by insurgents in Aizawl. Is this the cost one has to pay for living in a conflict ridden area? Its sooo disheartening. What does the future hold for us? I don't know and i have no answers to that....

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