Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Michael Palin's 'Himalaya', Love and Life...

I am currently reading a very interesting travel book 'Himalaya' by Michael Palin.......a coffee table book on an expedition by Michael Palin and the BBC crew on the Silk Route....beginning in Pakistan, moving across to India(Amritsar, Shimla, Chandigarh,Kashmir,Ladakh,Mc Leodganj), Nepal, back to India(Assam and Nagaland) and then Bangladesh. Its beautifully written....a smooth narrative interspersed with witty anecdotes and fantastic photographs.....absolutely mindblowing, capturing the essence of the places and the people!!! I love reading about places and i'm crazy about travelling and travel books and travel shows (i used to love the programme on Discovery Channel 'Lonely Planet' hosted by Ian Wright and i adored his quirkiness!!!!). 'Himalaya' is a must read....its captivating...


What would Love mean for an eleven year old? Love as in romantic love. I had a candid chat with my young cousin last night about love. He supposedly has a crush on his classmate and he thinks it is a mutual feeling. ....and like all yound people he was absolutely wide eyed when he spoke about her. He sought my 'expert advice'....and very innocently he asked me if 'the following meant anything significant . I believe the whole of last year whenever he looked at her, she looked away....so he kept asking, 'does it mean anything?'. I didn't know what to say....i tried my best and told him that it could possibly mean that since she liked him as well, she probably felt embarrassed to look at him directly...maybe she felt shy !! Well who knows....I am not the best of people to seek advise on relationships...considering my track record....but never mind :)!!!

Last night's conversation made me feel a lot older....this young boy talking about love ...an eleven year old in 'love'...amazing man!!! Love is such a complicated phenomenon...i wish i could sit and tell him all about it....but i didn't want to erode his innocence....i wanted him to feel all excited and gooey when he thought of 'her'...the special someone in his life....!!! He wasn't quite sure what it mean to be 'going around' and he infact asked me...what he could do with her...! I told him that perhaps he could take her out for a movie, share his secrets with her....confide in her and basically take her as a close buddy.....


Life comes full circle....children are growing up fast these days...well...i can't remember being interested in the opposite sex that early in life....or perhaps i was but i wasn't aware of it...i dunno....life is just very confusing...


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