Sunday, October 22, 2006

My Arabic vocabulary so far.... ....

Arabic Words that I have picked up in Alexandria:

Shukran: Thank You
Afwan: You are welcome.
Aiwa: Yes
La: No.
Lou Samahht: Please, Kindly...
Alagham: Beside
Alatool: Ahead
Sifar: Zero
Wahad: One
itneen: Two
talata: Three
Arba: Four
Khamsa: Five.
sittah: Six
sabah: Seven
tamani: Eight.
Noos: Half
Oroba: Quarter.
Guinea: Egyptian Pound.
Mumkin: Possible.
Shai: Tea.
Mesh: O.K.
Kholos: Finish.
Izzayak? How are you?
Kwais: I am fine.
Meshfama: Cannot Understand.
Mish Mishkela: No problem.
Hena: Here.
Shwaiya : Little bit
Akbar: Big (Remember.. Allah Hu Akbar is Allah the Great!!!)
Bukra: Tomorrow
Sukkar: Sugar
Hatib: Fiancee /Engaged ( very convenient answer...when Egpytian men ask "you married?")
Baladi: Local
Heluwa: Beautiful
Habibti: Lover (when a man refers to his lady love)***Proliferation
of Al Habibi songs in their music channels here!!!
Habibi: " (when a lady refers to her lover)
Makhtaba: Library/Bookshop
Inshallah: God willing!
Hamdulilah: Thanks to God!
Taib : OK
Tabah: sure
Lei: Why?
Fi: Where?
Marhababin: Hello/ Welcome

To be continued.....

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